Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Your Realtor’s License

by Jessica Amey

Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Your Realtor’s License

Getting your realtor’s license can set you on a path toward a dynamic and rewarding career. Plenty of work goes on behind the scenes, starting from completing the pre-licensing education to taking the state exam, before you become a licensed professional.

The prerequisites for becoming a realtor vary depending on the state. You must check all the boxes to boost your chances of getting the license. In this article, we try to answer some common questions about getting a realtor’s license in the U.S.

Q: What are the basic requirements for becoming a realtor?

The requirements vary depending on the state. For example, you can get your license without a high school diploma or GED certificate in New York. In most states, high school-level education is a requirement to work as a realtor.

You must be 18 years or older to work as a realtor anywhere in the U.S. A clean criminal background will boost your chances of fulfilling your dream. However, if you have had past run-ins with the law, don’t hesitate to reach out to your state’s real estate commission for a review before enrolling in your pre-licensing program.

Q: What is the duration?

There is no definite answer as pre-licensing programs vary in duration. Your learning pace will also come into play if you use online self-study courses. However, it can take three to four months to finish everything, including getting your license.

Make sure that you don’t rush through the coursework. Take your time and use additional resources to prepare for the exams. This can take a little longer than usual, but it will boost your chances of acing your exams and becoming a better salesperson in the future.

Q: How much does it cost?

Pre-licensing programs can be expensive. From our research, expect to spend between $150-400 on a quality pre-licensing course. On average, online courses are cheaper than in-person lessons. You can read more here if you are interested in taking online classes.

You will also incur extra expenses paying for exam registration, background checks, license application, and membership if you join a professional realtor’s body in your state. Remember, the exam registration fee is paid per attempt.

Q: What can I do to pass the pre-licensing test?

Exam fever is normal, so don’t be scared. We recommend getting a copy of the candidate’s handbook from your state’s real estate commission or Department of Licensing website. This book has exam rules, reference materials, and practice questions to help you get familiar with the exam format.

You can also purchase exam preparation courses or hire a professional tutor to help you study for the tests. The exams are split into sections with one covering state-related topics and the other national questions.

Q: What happens if I fail the real estate exam?

Most states allow students to take the exam multiple times until they pass. The only downside is that you will spend extra money registering for the exams again. Take your time and work on your weak areas before attempting the exams.

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