Salt Dough Crafts: Glitter Covered Lollies

by Jessica Amey

Salt dough crafts cost next to nothing and the possibilities are endless. Maggy from Red Ted Art shows how you can make an entire bakery with it!

These fun shaped lollies are quite similar to the salt dough ice-lollies that we made a couple of years ago, moulding it around a wooden stick is great as when it dries it stick to it so they can be played with afterwards.

To make these salt dough lollies you will need:

Salt Dough (see recipe below)
Cookie cutter shapes
Wooden lolly sticks
Mod Podge

To make the salt dough you need..

– 1 cup of salt
– 2 cups of plain flour
– 1 cup of water

Add the salt and flour to a bowl then slowly add the water, you might need a bit more or less but you need to add it until the mixture has formed into a dough that you can pick up and knead together making sure it’s not too sticky.

Then you can flour your surface and start rolling it out. We cut out two of the same shapes using cookie cutters then placed a wooden lolly stick in the middle of one shape before placing the other shape on top and gently pressing them together.

When we’d made all the lollies we laid them out on a lined baking tray and put them in the oven to dry out. You need to do this on a very low heat (about 70 degrees C) and leave them for a good few hours. If the heat is up to high then the dough will bubble up so it’s important not to rush things. The other option is to leave them outside on a hot day or in an airing cupboard for a few days. I usually turn them over a few times.

Once dried them will have completely hardened.

At this point you can paint on some Mod Podge or other glue based alternative and cover them in glitter. Once the first layer has dried then you can add another layer of Mod Podge to seal in the glitter and stop it all falling off everywhere.

Once that’s dried they are ready to play with.



salt dough crafts - fun lolly pops

We also made some mini heart lollies for Valentine’s Day which will be shared over on the Little and Fierce blog soon.

For more salt dough crafts check out these salt dough ice-cream necklaces.

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