How to Make Time for Yourself as a Busy Parent

by Jessica Amey

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding and demanding roles you can take on in life. From all those sleepless nights with a newborn to the constant needs of growing children it can all be overwhelming. 

It is easy to feel as though there are simply not enough hours in the day. Finding time for yourself may seem impossible with all the daily responsibilities you have. 

Below we are going to explore the practical strategies that are going to help you to carve out time for yourself even during the busiest stage of parenting. When you start incorporating time for yourself into your routine, you will start experiencing the benefits of self care without feeling like you’re sacrificing your time with your children at any point. 

Prioritize and Delegate Tasks 

One of the most significant obstacles to finding time for yourself as a parent is the amount of tasks that you have to do. There’s a lot that needs to be completed and it’s important that you recognize that everyone needs to pitch in. 

You can’t do everything yourself. Make sure that you will create a list of daily chores and responsibilities and ask yourself which ones you can delegate to your children, partner or outsource by hiring people to do some of the tasks for you. For example, instead of cleaning the house yourself you may consider hiring a cleaning service to do this for you. 

Learning to let go of the notion that you need to do it all is essential. It can feel empowering but sharing responsibilities gets things done and makes you calmer. 

Another example is that if your partner can do the bedtime routines for a few nights a week you can use this time to recharge your batteries by reading a book or exercising. 

Create a Schedule With Time Blocks 

Another effective way to carve our time for yourself is to create a structural schedule that includes dedicated time blocks where you can slide in some self-care time. When you start setting aside specific times each day of the week for activities you enjoy it’s more likely that you’re going to stick to the plan. Make sure you use a calendar to schedule self care moments as if they were important appointments because they are. 

Don’t forget to put in some flexibility in your schedule. Children can be unpredictable so having a plan that is flexible allows you to focus on your needs while having the mindset that you can expect just about anything to happen and you will have to make time for that. 

A great time to schedule your self care time is during your child’s nap time or after they go to bed. Early mornings before they wake up is also ideal as well. These small windows of time can be utilized effectively and help you to feel more grounded and rested.

Use Technology to Your Advantage 

We are in the digital age and as a parent you need to use technology to get the free time that you need. For meal planning there are apps that are online to help you decide which meals are best throughout the week.

When you start using apps for meal planning you can have a schedule for your meals throughout the week or have groceries delivered to save hours of time compared to going traditional shopping. 

There are also apps that can help you to prioritize your day and track your to-do list. 

When you have these types of tools it makes it easier for you to use all the free time that you get to take care of yourself in a better way. You should also try to use educational apps for children as these can provide them with engaging activities while you focus on yourself or some short intervals. 

You have to try to squeeze in those times for yourself or you will never get them. You just have to be smart about how you do it. 

Maximize Nap Time at Bedtime 

Children’s schedules can provide you with an excellent opportunity to find some time for yourself. Nap time and bedtime are some of the best opportunities you will have for self care especially if your child is on a reliable sleep schedule. 

You can take full advantage of this. However, there are times when parenting duties require extra attention such as when your baby is transitioning from sleeping in a crib to sleeping in a bigger toddler bed. For instance, if you wondered about When To Lower Crib Mattress Height: An Expert Guide can be invaluable. 

Lowering the mattress at the right time ensures your baby’s safety while they are asleep. This allows you to relax more when there is nothing you will not have to worry about. Doing these little things can give you the peace of mind you need to fully relax when you have the time to do so.

Adjust Expectations and Accept Imperfection 

It’s only natural that parents want to do everything as perfectly as possible, but this kind of mindset is what leads to stress and burnout in the first place. 

When you learn to adjust your expectations and accept that everything won’t always be flawless, it is one of the biggest steps you’re going to make towards finding more time for yourself. When you start prioritizing what really matters and leave less critical tasks for those times when you do have that extra amount of time to spend on them, it can free you mentally.

If you’re constantly worried about keeping your house spotless it’s time to lower the bar. Tidying up can be done in short stretches rather than trying to clean the whole house in one go. 

Focus on what needs to be done immediately like the dishes or the laundry and let go of the need to have a perfectly kept house. This kind of mindset can release you mentally and reduce your stress levels significantly. When you learn to embrace imperfection you start to free up more of your time and you will be able to get more self care in.

Ask for the Help of Family and Friends 

You should never hesitate to ask for help when you truly need it. Family and friends can be invaluable and can help you to find the time for yourself that you truly need. If it is at all possible you should try to coordinate with close friends to watch your children for a few hours each week. 

This way you can step away and have that alone time that you so desperately need. In return you can offer to do the same thing for them if they need it. These kinds of support systems are vital for balancing parenting with personal time.

Learn the Art of Saying No

Learning when to say no is a critical skill that you must develop as a parent if you want to find more time for yourself. There are a lot of societal expectations for parents to take on things such as volunteering at school, attending extracurricular activities and any other amount of commitments. 

While it is important to be involved with your child’s life. It is also equally important that you don’t overwhelm yourself as this can lead to burn out. It’s important for you to learn when to say no.

When you start understanding that sometimes you have to disappoint others in order to take care of yourself. Saying no will make you feel less guilty.

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