5 Essential Tips for Setting Up Your Own Craft Business

by Jessica Amey

If you have a crafting hobby, then you might have already considered turning it into a side business to help bring in some extra cash while still doing what you love.

Good news is, research has shown that people are willing to spend more when purchasing handmade goods, particularly if they’re shopping for a loved one.

So, if you’re looking to turn your hobby into a lucrative side hustle, then here are just five fantastic tips to get you started.

1) Practice Makes Perfect
If you’re new to your hobby, then it’s a good idea to get in some practice before you launch into sales.
This will help to ensure that you’re not only selling quality items, but that there is consistency in the quality too.
Luckily, if you’ve chosen a hobby that you love, practising it should be an enjoyable task.

2) Source Quality Supplies
Quality is also something that you want to ensure that you have in your supplies too. This is because products made with cheap, low-quality materials won’t last as long. Find a good range of trusted suppliers that you can rely on. For example, companies such as Ormiston Wire have been manufacturing quality wire since 1793 and have built up a strong reputation.
When you can trust where your supplies come from, it will be easier for your customers to trust where their products come from.

3) Know Where to Sell
Deciding where you’re going to sell is also an important part of setting up a business. While many crafters take their products to local craft fairs and markets, it might be more efficient and easier – particularly if you work fulltime – to sell online.
Setting up a website of your own has never been easier, and with platforms such as Shopify, you can create a website that fits your business needs. Shopify gives you control over your store front, allowing you to set up a brand that perfectly reflects
your business.

4) Price for Profit
When setting up a crafting business – particularly in the early days – it can be very easy to under-price your items.
The mistake to avoid falling into is to only cover the costs of your products. However, you need to remember that your time is valuable, and this should be reflected in your prices. Similarly, if you want to turn your side hustle into something bigger, carefully consider what you need to price each item in order to make a profit.

5) Advertise on Social Media
Social media is one of the fastest growing areas of the internet, and it’s a fantastic way to get your products in front of new audiences.

Consider setting up social media accounts on a variety of platforms, and you can even use services such as TikTok to post behind the scenes videos of you making your products.

Consider setting up social media accounts on a variety of platforms, and you can even use services such as TikTok to post behind-the-scenes videos, and edit video online of you making your products which will engage more with the audience.

Have you turned your hobby into a business? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below!

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