Here’s How To Install A Water Treatment System In Your Home

by Jessica Amey

People in many parts of the world lack access to clean drinking water. Besides, in the US alone, 2 million people are exposed to bad water quality, and that number may continue to rise. Water treatment systems aren’t a fancy luxury- they’re a necessity.

Unfortunately, the best water treatment systems are expensive, which can be a problem when you’re on a budget. If you’re getting a water treatment system, knowing how to install it can save you installation costs.

On the bright side, installing a water treatment system isn’t as hard as you might imagine. All you need are a few trusty tools and proper guidance. Here, we will show you how to install your water treatment system and save money.

How to Install a Water Treatment System
First, you have to decide which system to install first. Most homes usually require a water filter (to filter out sediments and chemicals), a softener (to soften hard water), and a UV purifier (to neutralize microorganisms). If you use well water, you may need all treatment systems because well water usually contains sediments, microorganisms, and hardness minerals. Tap water is majorly threatened by chemicals.

If your water has lots of particles, sediments, and chemicals, you should install a whole house water filter first. If your water contains fewer particles and is very hard, your water softener should go first. It’s best to install a UV purifier last.

Your water treatment systems should be from trusted brands that produce durable products. At WaterMasterz, you’ll find reviews and user guides for the best water treatment brands.

To install a water treatment system in your home, you’ll need to get these basic tools ready;
• A pipe cutter
• Adjustable wrench (this is a tool for loosening or tightening pipe and pipe fittings)
• Teflon tape
• One or two buckets
• Sandpaper
• And, of course, the treatment system you want to install.

Now, follow this step-by-step installation process:

  1. Pick a Location
    You must choose a spacious area near your main water entry point to install your treatment system.
    The location should be free enough to accommodate the setup and allow filter replacement when
    necessary. In addition, it’s best to pick an area inside your home to be protected from weather
  2. Prepare Your Plumbing
    Get your home plumbing ready for a new system installation by turning off your main water valve. Then, open all taps within your home to drain off present water. Once the water is all drained, your plumbing is ready, and you can move on to the next step.
  1. Create Space for the System
    Using your pipe cutter, cut out the location you chose earlier on your pipeline. Keep your buckets close by to catch spillage. Ensure that the space you cut out is wide enough to fit your treatment system. Smoothen the cut pipe ends with sandpaper and remove any present debris.
  2. Fix the System
    If you’re installing a whole house water filter, attach a shut-off valve to the filter. If the filter package contains a bypass valve and pressure gauge, attach them to the filter unit following the instruction manual. Then, fix the filter system in the space you cut out earlier on your pipe. Be sure that the inlet and outlet ports are well-positioned, then grab your Teflon tape and seal all threaded pipe ends. Finally, secure all pipe fittings with your wrench.

    When installing a softener, you must first attach the softener tank to the cut pipe. Then, also attach
    the softener valve to a drain using a drain line (secure with clamp). Lastly, you’ll connect the outlet
    pipe of the softener tank to the salt tank.
  3. Finishes
    After installing your water system, you should double-check to ensure you got the installation right. To check for faulty installation, go to your main water valve and turn it back on.

    As the water flows within your pipes, be on the lookout for leakages. If you find any leakages, secure the pipe fittings further with your wrench or Teflon tape. When there are no more leakages, your installation has been successful, and your water treatment system is ready to work.

    For a water softener, finishes include adding salt to the salt tank before turning it on to work.

How to Install a UV purifier
Installing a whole-house UV purifier is a little different. Follow these steps when you’re installing one after the filter and softener:
• Attach a piece of plywood to your wall and mount the pre-filter housing and UV purifier
on the board.
• Fix in a copper pipe to connect your pipeline and the UV purifier. A copper pipe is best
because UV light can damage other plumbing materials like plastic and PVC.
• Place the UV lamp in the system and activate the purifier by plugging it to a nearby light
source. After this, your UV purifier is ready to work.

Our guide summarizes how you can install your water treatment systems. If you follow this guide, you’ll be able to install a complete water treatment system at home without running to the experts. With one in place, you won’t have to worry about contaminated or hard water.

Choose the right system to install, get the needed tools, and get right to installation! But, of course, there’s nothing wrong with calling professionals for help if you’re not too sure about doing everything on your own.

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