6 Unique Birthday Party Ideas For Adults And Kids

by Jessica Amey

A birthday party is a wonderful time to celebrate someone getting a year older and wiser. People of all ages can have birthday parties and they can be a ton of fun for all attending it. Most of these parties are full of balloons, streamers, music, food, and of course, gifts.

Whether you opt for something like birthday flowers delivery or a new piece of jewelry, a birthday gift that comes from the heart can show someone you care. However, arguably the most important part of birthday parties (for children and adults alike), is the actual theme of the party. What you do while spending time with your loved ones is often more memorable than what you get.

Without any further ado, this article is going to go over some amazing and unique birthday party ideas for both kids and adults alike.

Games Party

Adult or child, everyone likes games. This is why throwing a games party can be a hit no matter the age. You can play hundreds of different games, perfectly suited for the ages and interests of everyone who is attending. Party games can often be quite simple, and don’t require a lot to set them up or play them. Make sure to have a couple to keep things fresh and prevent the party from becoming too stale.

These can be casual and for fun, but you can also bring some competitive games into the mix. For example, a great choice could be a backyard olympics. You simply create a bunch of little games for everyone to play, and award medals for how people do. These parties can be a ton of fun, and be something a little different.

Arts and Crafts

An arts and crafts party is without a doubt one of our favorite options on this list. When you think of an arts and crafts party, your mind might instantly go to children, but plenty of adults love to build and make things, so this type of party can still be a hit.

These parties can have attendees build or create just about anything under the sun. It could be yarn art, pottery, paper mache, bead necklaces, a canvas painting, or anything in between. There is no right or wrong answer, and it all depends on what the individual celebrating their birthday (and their friends/family) prefer to create or work on.

Dance Party

Everyone loves to dance, there is no doubt about that. It can be incredibly freeing, a lot of fun, and can actually be a pretty great workout at the same time. As a result, a dance party is a great idea. All you need is some music and a bit of space, though some fun lights and decor can take the party to new heights.

Be sure to have a good mix of music that is age-appropriate for whoever is coming to the party. This dance party could simply be inside your home or in your yard, but you can also rent out halls or event centers to have the party, as well. As long as you have enough space for the amount of people that are coming, you’re golden.

Scavenger Hunt

Another great idea for a birthday party that can be enjoyed by people of all ages is a scavenger hunt. Hunting throughout a home, yard, neighborhood, or city to find items or do things based on clues can be a ton of fun, and there is always a prize for the winners.

This can be a small hunt to find a couple little trinkets in the yard for a children’s party, or a city-wide search for a dozen cleverly-hidden clues. It is a challenge and relatively competitive, while still being a fun thing to do at the same time.

There are many scavenger hunt ideas out there, so even if you (or any attendees) have done them in the past, you can certainly find an idea or theme for the hunt that is new and fresh for everyone involved.

Spa Day

A spa day is something many adults crave in their busy lives, so why not have that be the focus of the birthday party? You can do face masks together, do each other’s nails, and a variety of activities that are both fun and relaxing to do.

You could even go to an actual spa and get massages, facials, or mani/pedis. This will not only be a fun time for everyone, but is often just what people need to feel great and get a little relaxation in their lives. Of course, make sure people are okay with spending money on your party if this is what you decide to go with.

Even some kids may enjoy a spa day for a party. Doing their hair, makeup, and nails can be a fun experience for all.

Pool Party

Finally, we have the pool party. For many kids and adults alike, it doesn’t get better than a pool party. Everyone loves playing or relaxing in the pool on a hot summer day with all of their friends. You can have pool games and other things going on, or simply allow people to hang out and relax in the pool as they wish.

If this is a kids party, make sure each child is being safe while in and out of the water, to prevent any awful accidents from occurring. Of course, this idea requires that you have a pool, or have easy access to one that you can use.

If you or a friend don’t have one, there might be a pool in your city or town that you can rent out for an hour or two, or simply go to without having it exclusively for yourself.

Bonus Idea: Costume Party

Consider throwing a costume party for a birthday bash that’s bursting with creativity and flair! Whether you’re a kid or a kid at heart, something is enchanting about donning a disguise and embracing a new persona for the day. Transform your costume party into an unforgettable adventure by steering it towards a nautical theme with everyone swashbuckling in their favorite pirate costumes or adding a touch of Victorian elegance with steampunk-inspired attire.

We hope this article has helped you learn a little more about some of the very best and most unique birthday party ideas for children and adults alike.

‘Contributed Post’

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