Quick And Easy Play Food Ideas

by Jessica Amey

Cherry and Tiger love imaginative play, especially pretending to cook, so yesterday I made them some play food using things we had lying around the house.

It wasn’t a very nice day so we stayed in for the morning and this kept them entertained for all of it.

We made pizza, spaghetti and ice-cream play food then pretended we were in an Italian restaurant.

For the pizza you will need:
– Felt in different colours

For the spaghetti you will need:
– Yellow yarn

For the ice-cream you will need:
– Cotton wool balls
– Sequins

To make the pizza I cut out a large circle of brown felt for the base then a smaller red circle for the sauce then an even smaller yellow one for the cheese. I cut up lots of pink and yellow felt into little pieces to make the ham and pineapple then used strips of green for pepper and small black ovals for the olives.




For the spaghetti I cut up lots of strands of yellow yarn then we added some of the felt olives, peppers and pieces of ham left over from the pizza.






Then for the ice-cream I put lots of cotton wool balls in a bowl and the kids served it up into bowls and decorated it with sequins.




They had great fun playing with it all and I kept pretending to phone up and order food so they could make it and deliver it to me.

We also put our play till on the table and used our play money so I could pay for my order.

This is a really great activity for people who don’t enjoy crafting too as it really is SO easy, all you need to do is some cutting with scissors!

It was really nice to watch the kids playing with it too, it brought back lots of memories for me as playing cafes was one of my favourite games as a child, my sister and I used to play it for hours!

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