Make Your Own Feather Super Hero Masks

by Jessica Amey

Today is Super Hero day!

So I’m going to share these Super Hero masks with you as they are such an easy activity for kids and mine played Super Hero games with them all afternoon too.

You will need:
– Card
– PVA Glue
– Feathers
– Lolly Sticks
– Scissors

I cut the shape of the masks out and cut the eye holes out then the kids decorated them with feathers before sticking a lolly stick on the side.

That’s all there is too it!

Cherry also made one for her little toy ‘Owl Baby’.


The kids made capes out of scarves or old material we had lying around too to finish the look, then ran around shouting SUPER HERO all day!

I have a Pinterest board dedicated to DIY Masks too so if you want some more ideas then here it is…

Follow Jess @ Along Came Cherry’s board DIY MASKS on Pinterest.

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